Waking up to the fullness of consciousness where personal awareness expands to integrate on a conscious level, the realization of Nonduality is more possible now than ever before. The self-realization discussed for ages and within modern spiritual communities is flourishing worldwide. More and more people within small groups scattered across the globe are waking up to the actual reality of Self. The Cosmic energies of our planet are in transition, and a positive shift in collective consciousness is ushering a new timeline, a time of awakening.

This website and the information offered are not a quick-fix miracle to attain higher states of consciousness. There is no such thing possible unless a vast majority of the world population is suddenly elevated into a collective form of Unity Consciousness. The offering here is an in-depth study of Advaita, Nondual teachings, and what I feel are adaptable and easily integrated lifestyle techniques to promote spiritual growth. We start from a calling and investigate further.

Many alternative self-improvement methods are individually suitable and comfortable to the spiritual aspirant. I will focus on what worked for me and hundreds of other meditators as ordinary house holder individuals. It is pretty simple, straightforward, and practical, more so now for waking up to a clearer understanding of spiritual life, growth, and what enlightenment means.

The totality of Oneness as the singularity, the source of creation, and the parts that make up the holistic value of Nondual reality is the “wheel of life” we appreciate as ourselves. We know it to be everything we experience from moment to moment; nothing is missed.

When uncloaked to the awareness of pure being, pure existence, our conscious awareness stands alone as “consciousness is all there is.” It is calm, whole, and requires no intervention. It is complete unto itself and seemingly untouched by what we commonly refer to as physical reality.

The initial intent of source energy, the absolute value of Oneness appearing as consciousness, is to experience and know itself through manifest reality. It is everything, pervades everything, yet remaining absolute, it permeates and is the essence of manifestation.

It can, however, immediately veil the holistic value of Oneness from itself very naturally due to existent time/space variables. When seen through the narrow vision produced by an individual ego, through the limited lens of time and space, these existential variables are barriers to expressing the fullness of life.

The dynamics inherent in consciousness, creative intelligence, or life as we experience through form and phenomena is an eternal reality. And the veil covering human consciousness, hiding the true Self, the full expression of the “I-ness” of fact is nonother than personal ignorance.

It is a deep-rooted ignorance seated in the base concept of a feeling of the unknown. It is this distress to honestly know the reality of the Self that is cloaked behind the small ego/mind’s fear of death. It is not at the forefront of anybody’s attention. Still, either quick dismissal or philosophical arguments arise when the mind entertains the end of life.

As ironic as it may seem, this death or dissolution of the ego is revealed through Self-realization. It’s not actual death, but the personal little me does begin to disintegrate. Consciousness wakes up to the false reality of the individual ego. The limited ego/mind will avoid at any cost its demise because it feels in control by maintaining this false sense, the illusion of a separate me. It lives in the physical world of objects and knows only the function of identification, organizing, claiming, and giving meaning and a sense of purpose to all activity.

The human ego says I exist because I am the doer. Pure existence states that I am the I alone, the container of awareness to all things. It is the non-doer-ship, the refined understanding of witnessing all activity as the I am Oneness that is the Self-realized state.

The ego is a doorway and the obstacle to the complete understanding of the Self. The Self-realized experience is the constant awareness of presence, the state of being all actions, the movement of the phenomenal world in flow with spontaneity. It is a lived experience free from the separate self, without the little ego/mind limiting knowledge by labeling and categorizing. The reality of the manifest world is contained in the Oneness of the Divine power doing everything. And that power is you, consciousness alone.

Living from ego consciousness is exhausting and full of suffering. By falsely taking control and claiming doer-ship, the ego always places an unnecessary narrative or story on things, leading to enduring an imaginary past or expecting a false unknown future. Shouldering the responsibility of everything one experiences is an excessive weight to carry. Realizing that the freedom of the present moment is the only reality and all we have ever been settling.

The separate self is merely an illusion built on two primary things, conditioning and identification. To be human is an unavoidable psychological process of personal training from birth forward. It is a set of instilled programming and cannot be the true self. This human programming functions based on the input and output information of life experience.

The mental activity of identifying things internally or externally is the processor functioning of the ego. The ego claims every thought, feeling, or action through a set of conditioning programmed by personal experience. My thoughts, feelings, activities, and personal life in this body are me, the doer. The conditioned and identified ego thought produces the false sense of self, the mind/body organism controlling life experience.

You are not the body, and you are not the limited ego/mind, and to negate the body and the ego/mind as illusory is the path of wisdom. To look for God in everything, to look at everything as being the Self, is the path of devotion. Devotion is falling in love with all that is as Divine presence.

Consciousness is a shared experience; if you are aware, you are conscious, and without it, the knowing and any investigation into our existential reality would not be. Consciousness is who and what we are. To fully realize this statement requires letting go of the limited ego/mind.

The study of consciousness is not new and dates back thousands of years. Outside of lofty philosophical ideas into the nature of awareness, the abstractness of consciousness with no apparent practical value was relegated as a soft science at best. It wasn’t until the early 1900s that this convergence among the prevalent sciences began to understand that psychology and physiology shared common ground in illuminating consciousness.

It would take another 100 years to bring to the forefront through the study of Noetic Sciences and the propagation of Yoga meditation that an integrative subjective and objective approach to reveal the mysteries of reality was essential.

The personal process of subjective investigation is what Nonduality teachings are all about and bring the study of self-experience and how consciousness may influence the physical world.

I am a teacher of Transcendental Meditation and promote this technique not only for its simplicity and effortlessness but for the benefits it provides on all levels of life, spiritual and physical well-being.

Effortless mantra meditation for a deep dive into silence.