The What Is

We all have a sense of being, of existence, it’s here, but the phenomenal world adorns what we perceive. We mistake our presence of being as this physical reality burying that sense of being, the field of awareness, far in the background of the liveliness of personal truth. Existence becomes the worldly things we engage in and make sense of, trying to capture meaning through attaining more and more. Even though we realize the items in our life and life itself are transitory, we continue ever satisfying the dream that completeness will arrive one day. So, we ask, what is this?

And who is inquiring? If it is referenced from the person who feels like a body and responds as one, then the self-inquiry will only lead to a recycling of frustration to the question of existence. Who am I is not asked from the standpoint of the individual character? Is it referenced from the mystery of awareness itself?

Drop all opinions, all feelings that I am the Body and ask, What Am I? What am I really? In the immediate pause after the question, a spontaneous recognition appears. There is no answer; there never will be. That naked pause is you, a grokking of nothingness, a sense of being, clarity of I which is revealed but not known. It’s more of an Is-ness; it’s an ā€˜Iā€™ without definition.

I am not my thoughts; I am not my feelings, emotions, or sensations. I am not my body. All of this is part of me but not limited to my sense of being. Feel into the journey of the moment, the acceptance without judgemental commentary. The full expression of what is, is it yourself? Without awareness, nothing would be. Embrace the spontaneous unfolding of the next. Breathe in and out the tough ones.

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