The Everyday Lens of Distortion

Latent impressions of one’s life’s actions stored in our subconscious are the drivers of current activity. In Vedic terminology, generally referred to as the Smritis, memory from far back incalculable Karma/Dharma reaching into the soul’s Atman connection with Brahman. Specifically, the individual latent memory impressions called Samskaras are the current everyday life drivers.  Without the realized link to source memory of what was and what is now appearing in our 21st-century configuration of modern life, the long-standing drama of “self” will continue to express as a distortion to complete itself in the goal of a holistic, integrated being.

Vedic Literature is a complete thesis on singularity, the oneness of source, which is ever awake in its own right.  It’s a theme of evolution, and Smriti is a predominant element of consideration in Vedic Science. Memory is a leading quality of consciousness. Atman is Brahman in Memory. The only difference from Atman is the infinite dynamism of life’s journey is not fully expanded as the Oneness realization. It takes a natural sequential progression without forgetting the memory of the source to blossom the consciousness of Atman/Brahman fully.

Embrace any unresolved energy distortions, knowing them for what they are by any experience of contracted energy causing uncomfortableness.  Allowing a deep breath, seeing and feeling them for what they are, giving space and acceptance. Breathe. Know that you are more than any distorted energy. You are the untouched, pure consciousness of awareness, the sense of being. Place loving energy in that direction. Breathe and let it be. Be still in the silence; allow everything to be as it is. Acceptance of what is. Serve and honor the light of a higher self, and it will serve and keep you in that light.

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