The Intricate Mind

The human mind facilitates one’s awareness and, as such, is expressive of our Ego, Intellect, and Emotional functionality brought to conscious awareness through sensory perception. A human mind is limited in its scope when the intellect mistakes or misidentifies conscious reality as only an expression of the material physical plane. The human ego follows this limited viewpoint, narrowing consciousness to the person as an individual reality separate from the environment. And any experience of human emotion fostered by perceptual stimuli is also seen as a personal thing, strengthening the perspective of limitations and separateness.

The ego continues to be problematic as it identifies with the limitations that the intellect has misidentified as reality. The mind constantly engages and expresses this revolving door of a separate me from a long-standing conditioned Thought-Belief-System set from early childhood and by the overall levels of the collective consciousness. The apparent limitation of the reason is adopting this Thought-Belief-System as an actual reality. From these limitations comes a narrow perspective in consciousness that the mind places the body as the sole container of personal consciousness. It relegates actions performed by the body as the doer of activity, thereby allotting the mind as a field within the body and holding it so close and dear to the reality of a standalone personal me devoid of the true interconnectedness of the wheel of life.

The essential human body is the microcosm of the entire physical spectrum of the universal macrocosm. In its physicality, as is the universal material plane, it is form and function and is transitory and holds no permanent reality. The body is seen as an extension of consciousness in its deeper dimension, and the gross physical body does respond with sensations brought about by the emotional body/mind. The entire energetic dimensional system receives and transmits energy signatures to communicate to the Human/Body/Mind. Emotions and sensations are subtle guidance systems linked directly to the subconscious. We can refer to the body and feelings as a precise Guidance-Embodiment System when the intellect pierces through the misidentification of the physical realm and the ego is set free in the status of the Cosmic Mind.

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