The person is the accumulation of memories and conditioning from the past, brought to the present to be seen as an activity principle to expand consciousness. If we don’t think or realize that consciousness is the primary human purpose here on earth, then it is up for philosophical debate by a mind/body entrenched in physicality. From the mundane personal point of view, I am the body; I am this doer of the action; these life experiences are coupled together with whatever recognition of inner and outer strengths, and weaknesses will play a role in the clarity of consciousness expressed. The more consciousness is realized, the more a true purpose comes into view.
We carry all this restrictive conditioning into the present moment, and the mind will constantly be referencing past conditioned experiences through the lens of current activities. The mind does this because it does not recognize reality for what it truly represents. It is just a set of circumstances or experiences that carry a particular energy signature for the mind. The truth, for a limited reason, is whatever is projected as activity, be it positive or negative, and these projections arise from the subconscious. A definite disconnect from the reality of ego is driven mind in ignorance of the vast field of the subconscious. It is the subconscious we explore and get more in touch with on the journey to self-realization.
The journey on the spiritual path will be a mix of high spiritual experiences followed by periods of integration, which may sometimes be expressive of shallow energy. Suppose we get attached to the spiritual highs experienced in seeking self-realization. In that case, the inevitable lows will seem even lower due to that attachment or identification with the high-energy experiences. During the journey and until the definite shift in consciousness has occurred where consciousness knows itself, the ego still maintains some control over personal direction, which can impede actual realization.
The ego can still claim ownership of any experience, even the high spiritual ones. It is the right time to call out the ego on any personal attachment to a spiritual experience as a state of enlightenment. It is also the right time to see that life is just a flow of events and circumstances and will appear in all sorts of expressions. To recognize that you are not the doer, seat yourself in the unbounded observer awareness. It is the true you, the true Self.