Pure Consciousness, Spirit is projecting reality through the Mind/Body organism. Pure Consciousness needs the Mind to experience itself through the human psychophysiology of awareness. The Mind is the activating agent for consciousness. The Mind needs a Body to experience itself, and the Body is the activating agent for the Mind.
Because the Body’s psychophysiological function is the activating agent for the Mind, the clarity of the Mind’s conscious awareness is directly correlated to the style of functioning of the Body. The more efficient and optimal levels of functioning to the natural evolutionary degree available will correspond to the level of clarity of consciousness. At lower or limiting levels of the body’s nervous systems integration with all body parts, the mind’s functioning; the thinking, perception, and analysis will reflect those limitations. Primarily the mind will experience itself as the body; the physical structure, the functions of the body, the doing, the thinking the acting will be seen as the ‘I.’ And everything else, because of this limiting identification with the body will be experienced as separate to the individual Self. It will be seen as the separate ‘other,’ everything, the entire environment—a false perception of reality.
Our clarity of conscious awareness determines how we appreciate and interact with the presented environment. We do not see things as they are; we see them as we are. We project our internal reality on the mind’s screen and live and act within those parameters. We must change our mindset if we genuinely want to attract something or a more uplifting life. It is not enough to repeatedly place affirmation on top of it and expect a miraculous manifestation. Declarations have their place and do change the mindset. Still, the key is to expand consciousness and come more in intimate contact with your consciousness at the fundamental level of self. The power of affirmation and attraction will become a reality.
The universe is a mirror; it exists for the sole purpose of reflecting consciousness; you are conscious and what you see or perceive in your daily activity reflects yourself. The reflection you experience is neutral; there is no agenda, just a mirror of your internal subconscious. All points are valid in this mirror of the self, but not all issues are the same in terms of their energy signature, quality, and characteristics. The reflection exhibits a full range of polarity, opposites that we must navigate as a mind/body organism. It is set out by universal law, or the will of God, to be in our favor and to grow and expand in conscious awareness, finding peace and liberation from the mundane world.