The world for the person, self-realized or not, is a reflection, a mirror of the inner mind wherein the deep recesses of the subconscious or unbounded self-consciousness of life’s experiences are held. The world will appear relatively the same for the self-realized person and the limited mind/body person. Some changes occur after self-realization, allowing the processing of life’s experience to be on a higher energy level. Still, nevertheless one will have to bring suppressed knots of knowledge to light and completion. This processing will seem like life unfolding naturally for the self-realized, and the self-awareness will remain untouched and steadfast. For the limited mind/body person, this process may be challenging because the ego will always want to intervene, make judgments and assessments and try to insert control whereby, derailing a seemingly smoother outcome.
The world you inhabit, your environment, this mirror of conscious perception, is more than just a sensory stimulus of so-called objectivity. It is yourself, the physical manifestation of the thinking, perceiving, and analyzing mind. Perception is creation. You perceive everything according to who you are at that moment. What is your state of conscious awareness? What you perceive, you create, and thereby what you experience. Dissolving the imaginary boundary between the experiencer and the experience is the bridge to “waking up” from the dream. The mirrored consciousness of the world around you, your perception is not what you see but how you see it. How your mind sees anything perceived reflects your level of consciousness. Who am I? All of you are what you experience; it is the unboundedness of awareness freed from the clutches of the narrow ego/mind. It is the awareness fully established within itself, then the perceiver and the perception are seen as an expression of the whole mind, personal and collective. And what is left as actual reality is the pure perceiving of conscious awareness fully aware of Self. One unbounded ocean in motion, this is it; this is all there is, inclusive of your objective world.