This Is Already Everything

The construct of something having to be done, figured out, and gained is illusory. Nothing must be done—it’s already here. The mystery is that there is nothing behind the journey, whether spiritual or worldly, this search that human beings are on. Everything is as it is; there is nothing behind it—nothing to know. Nothing is going on, but this as it is. The mystery is finding that there is no mystery—this is the mystery, as-is, and to live it as is—this is it.

The end of any position taken or concluded is that all positions are part of the dream. All-knowing that I am here in this dream is also an illusion. There isn’t anyone; there is just what is, nothing else. The ‘what is’ is everything and has no meaning or purpose. It is not coming from anywhere, and it is not going anywhere. There is only one thing going on. Everything is just happening. There is nothing to the world for the person, self-realized or not.

Find nothing to complete; this is it. There is no end because there was never a beginning; this is already perfect, and the experience that it is not, although valid, is an illusion. How can it not be? Any change will render it mute.

The experience of separation is not hiding from you; you are the experience of it being hidden. And that is also perfect; it is what it is. The experience of something needing to happen to change the way things are on any level is a mindset of want and lack. This is it; it’s all just happening and whatever you think you are doing is part of the happening at any given moment. Feel, think, and do; engage in any activity from any perspective knowing that it is an illusion playing out as reality. The most profound stillness, the deepest freedom, is not knowing. The seeing without anyone seeing, the hearing without anyone hearing—whatever is happening without anyone needing to know.

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