“Nothing I See Means Anything, But I Have Given Everything All The Meaning It Has”

This quote from A Course in Miracles expresses the full range of one’s subconscious mind projecting an individual’s reality. Labels and meanings are taught to us through conditioning from childbirth. Superficial learning, we accept without question because culture and society deem it so. We also come into this world unannounced with DNA-encoded genes from our ancestors and past lives. Deep within our energy body, within the subconscious mind, are remnants. These energy knot bundles are also indirectly tied to our DNA structure of unfulfilled and traumatic past life experiences waiting for resolution. All this unresolved make-up, this conditioning we carry and express every second of our life, is reflected in our conscious awareness of how we perceive the world around us.

What you see, you are, and all the objects you perceive in your immediate environment, the things projected from the subconscious, have no meaning or purpose until you give it one. The power behind the universe holds all expressions in creation neutral; all are valid, and neither is good or bad; it just is. Any meaning given is from the human collective conscious reality over historical time. We never see an object; we see an agreement about a collective label. Everything thing in life is a consensus reality. There are two layers to the reality you experience: the collective consensus and the personal opinion about the consensus. Whatever we give meaning and purpose to is based on our level of consciousness. If we are having a bad day and our psychophysiology is down, our energy is ragged and depleted; what we perceive will be colored by that level of consciousness.

The other extreme of the spectrum is free of the narrow-limited perspective of ego/mind, and our consciousness soars with infinity. Our conscious reality will be one of eternal freedom and stability. There is always room for the full range of expression on all levels of consciousness. One does not have to criticize the low and praise the highest, thereby getting self-consumed and lost in the analyzing and seeking. We are where we are at, which is the natural evolutionary process. A true spiritual journey incorporates best practices, including reality’s metaphysical and physical realms. Knowing that what you see you are is all one thing, being true to yourself, which is your eternal and mortal nature, and knowing that everything is already perfect and unfolding as it should.

You only see your state of being, your level of consciousness, and whatever you see is valid for the perceiver at that moment. Neither is right nor wrong. It just is what it is. Seeing, labeling, and giving meaning have infinite possibilities if you are only experiencing the limited surface values of material existence. The objective world of illusion consists of the physical person, the psychological ego/mind, the ’Am-ness’ of identification, and the changing world of experience. The true subjective reality of existence is the unmanifest, unchanging ‘I-ness’ deep within the knowingness, the absolute self-memory.

Self-realization is recognizing that all is oneness, and the worldly illusion is also part and parcel of the oneness. The absolute value of oneness is experiencing itself to know itself in infinite possibilities. The absolute oneness of pure silence emerging in its dynamic energy vibrations exhibits the physical dimension of space, time, and all forms and phenomena. It is all oneness, the pure stillness or Shiva value, and the dynamism value of Shakti. These two seemingly opposing values in equilibrium are the same seat in the Oneness of nothingness; however, from emergence into apparent separation, the supreme energy of Divine Shakti begins to formulate manifest creation.

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