Will to Will Thy Will

So, the question is, why are we here, and what is this all about? Although this ‘what is’ is whole and complete and perfect, the experience arises called ‘me.’ An experience that I am the body, an experience that I have a real past that has led to the present, which will carry me to the future. And that the present occasion is meaningful and purposeful. Whenever the mind interjects and makes a story, a narrative, or a conclusion about it, it strengthens the separation of self, me, and the other.

The truth is that which is longed for in spiritual endeavor and the highest attainment in answering the why are we here and what is this all about questions will never happen to the person you know as me. In answering these questions, consciousness, your actual Self, wakes up to itself, its true unbounded nature. The answers are unfathomable, as is the realization of Oneness. So, the questioning for the personal, limited mind is futile; it will never find satisfaction beyond the concepts.  The initial awakening of consciousness to itself, not the little person waking up to something grand or beyond concept, is the platform where conscious awareness begins to explore itself and all the glory of the dimensionless realm. And as Oneness, it is the one consciousness of everyone, the one being of everything—everywhere.

Even though embedded in consciousness spirit, the imaginary person within the dream world is a third-dimension reality representative of a physical, material realm, a projected illusion of the subconscious mind. Nothing is happening; it just appears there is. The dream person longing for enlightenment will never happen because the 3D reality is imaginary. The limited mind does not get this; it can’t; it is caught in the illusion’s web of limitations and identification. What must happen, and it will in its own time, is that the ego/mind must let go of dominance and the false assumption of control within the dream. The will to will thy Will.

Nobody does anything—nothing is happening; it just appears there is. This appearance in and of nothing is all there is. The relative experience may suggest that something must happen where the home is hidden. Finding a home, or answers to enormous questions, if such a thing is revealed, is not what was expected from the ignorance of finding the home of freedom. The seeking is over, but it never really started; it was all an illusion crafted by an ego conditioned from birth to seemingly control destiny, apparently to have ownership, doer-ship, and the feeling of free will.

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