It can be easily seen that we are consciously aware of our individuality and collective existence. How clear the seeing, one’s perspective on reality, is parallel to the level one appreciates the value and full extent of consciousness. Clarity comes with recognizing the true nature of the Self, which expresses the dominance of consciousness as the realized state.
Self-realization represents the primordial understanding that consciousness is all there is. It’s all consciousness, nothing but consciousness, which includes the physical reality as an expression of Self-awareness but is not limited to it. Even though the observer-witnessing aspect of Self-realization exists in the early stages of integrating the Self, there can be a flip-flopping between universal awareness and localized ego/mind awareness.
The shift in perspective occurs when form and phenomena appear in the Universal Mind of the Self. In addition, the intellectual logic within Nondual teaching, when the surrounding understanding of that teaching comes into play to mitigate ingrained conditioned thinking patterns. Furthermore, there is always an apparent me to which Karma will arise; it is unavoidable; the conscious personal me, in form, is the vehicle for consciousness evolution to expand and realize the highest reality of enlightenment.
The body is part of you, but not limited to you. It is part of the expression of consciousness that you are. The body is a manifest expression of consciousness, knowing itself through the body. The body is precious, and even though an appearance or illusion is all manifestation, it is the vehicle through which consciousness explores itself to know itself fully. This is the evolutionary process through which consciousness expands, and the body refines to higher vibrational frequencies to meet consciousness on its own level. The immediate revelation is consciousness is all there is; the ultimate realization is to shine in the light of Divinity. All creation is seen as nothing other than Divinity.
When one says all-inclusive regarding consciousness, it is all-inclusive. It just is, no figuring out, and no one here; even though there are so many stories from dense to high vibration, there is no “I am,” a personal owner or doer of consciousness. Consciousness just is, and all happenings are within consciousness. Consciousness or life begins to breathe through you, through your body. You as a body are the body living through the experience, all of it, the heartfelt expansion and the contraction of challenges unknown.
When one is open to life, to oneself, to love, life will pulsate with connection and challenges, with the expansion of light and the inertia of physicality. Life embraces you when you embrace life. Life will do good for you when you decide to do good. Stay open to life, open to connection, available to source consciousness.