Every split second, our reality changes in a sequential manner we call time; in a landscape, we call space; this identification covers further limitations and boundaries to reality, which, in simple analysis, becomes incomplete compared to the vast expanse of creation—the inner and outer world of the Quantum Field. Let alone bringing consciousness’s implications into the conversation, we are caught in this 3D dream world and live out the projections of a limited fact offered unknowingly and conditioned as usual.
The mind labels and identifies this imaginary world and gives meaning under experience. The extent to which we, as the limited mind label, identify and take to be definite meaning is the extent to which we suffer. The more we resist or try to control events to the outcome, the more entropy or incoherence is created by making the dream world our reality. The final analysis is a constant battle, a never-ending loop of little gain and re-occurring suffering.
The limited mind carries on with ego/individuality and intellect’s discrimination of the world environment around you brought through the apparatus of the five senses and the five organs of action. The limited perspective is one of the objects given labels and meaning to navigate through the apparent arising we call life. We live in no world per se; it is just a mind’s projection of fractured consensus reality as seen through our conditioning. These projected limitations give a sense of a tangible reality that can navigate through self-expression. And it all appears to be separate from the individual mind.
Nondual teachings speak of Unity, the Oneness of it all, the Source behind manifestation. It is a field of all possibilities resting in the potential that is the ultimate truth underlying creation, and we, as human beings, are that truth. The human aspect is the created part expressive of the Source. The Being aspect in its purity is none other than Source; it is our essential nature, our consciousness. Everything is initiated subjectively from the Source, meaning it all comes from within a hidden dimension that ascribes to anything and everything we see or imagine exists. And the closer you get to the inner subject value of things, the more unifying principles apply.
In religious terms, this unifying principle is called God. God or Oneness believes in you and your potential to realize your image in God. We were endowed with a human nervous system that can reflect the glory of God and the Oneness that shines as the Self. God believes in you; you don’t have to believe in God; it is a default setting, part of the evolutionary process in this dimension of reality. More so now, there is a calling to step up and engage your true Self. A paradigm shift is upon us, and taking charge to bring about a change is on our side. The mission in life as an incarnated being on this planet is to reveal the purpose, the Self-realized Oneness, as a divine inheritance. Discover the dimension of your purpose to reveal the face of Divinity.
Your inner story will defend itself till the bitter end; it’s called resistance. Letting go of the inner story is beyond the mind. The mind is the inner story—the conditioned behavioral perspective of the individual self stuck in a comfort zone of limited reality. The reality of the internal level, the resistance to an expanded unbounded self, is beyond your control; it is beyond mind and thought; the awareness is the container of ego, intellect, thought, and conditioned behavior of the personal physical self. A practical way of initially getting out of the story in your mind is to accept where you are, meet yourself there with love, and not make yourself wrong. Approach everything with love and understanding. Open your heart to the mystery of life as it is, unknown.
Opt out consciously from the present paradigm. Take a vow to participate in the personal unfoldment of truth to make yourself accessible. Seeing any distortion, whatever it may be, even the most negative, without judgment with a clear seeing is, in effect, honoring it, accepting it as part of the whole. These shadows or darkness catalyze with the light of consciousness and awaken to what is. The personal veil of darkness can be pierced. If one is awake, manipulation or resistance to what is has been seen as a place to divide and separate humanity into ego dominance.