Science of Being, the Exploration of Consciousness

Nonduality is a philosophical study of the relationship between wholeness and its parts in the continuum of life as we know it. It defines that there is only wholeness or oneness, and the parts, though, on one level, are a lived reality, are only a projection (illusion) of Oneness and that wholeness is an immutable substratum of existence that pervades the relative field for all beings, forms, and phenomena.

Regarding consciousness as the domain of our daily lived awareness, the spiritual scientific examination of the concepts of nonduality intertwines seamlessly, physically, and metaphysically (spiritually) with what we refer to as ‘being conscious.’ Consciousness: Where and how does it reside? Is it merely a manufacture of our neuro-biological self, or is it primary to all worldly things as the same immutable Oneness cherished by sages and philosophers throughout history?

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi lectured his entire life on the primary value of consciousness and the fact that relative life is transitory; however, consciousness at its most fine and pure level is immortal. He said humans have the structural make-up of a highly evolved nervous system that can realize our true nature as ultimately pure consciousness, the godhead of emerging life.

As the Maharishi would explain, with a systematic approach, a scientific theory and practice of effortless meditation, the self-exploration of consciousness, and other holistic practices, we refine the mind/body (nervous system) to uphold and stabilize a higher conscious awareness of the Self, an enlightened state. In his book ‘The Science of Being and the Art of Living,’ Maharishi spoke about and coined “The Science of Creative Intelligence,” a scientific personal investigation into consciousness.

Pure consciousness is a field of infinite potentiality, the fullness of nothingness inherent in all possibilities, known and unknown. It is so abstract that, in its pure state, it does not even know itself. But through the potentiality of divine intention that we see all around us, an impetus arises, pure consciousness curves back on itself to realize itself as this field of all possibilities, and from there, divides into infinite pieces, or bits of consciousness forming the fundamental, elementary fields of manifest energy that support any creative world one can imagine. It is not enough for pure consciousness to singularly curve back on itself to know itself as fullness, as infinite potentiality. It manifests infinite possibilities to realize itself through all known and unknown expressions. This is the deeper aspect of the Science of Creative Intelligence, beyond the human mind and thought.

The bits of consciousness attention that modify the completeness of any expressed wholeness are still under the veil of limitation. Consciousness evolution reveals the wholeness in bits of unmanifest consciousness or pure consciousness, which is the wholeness of all possibilities. Manifestation or separation (time/space) are the bits of consciousness processes. We live life through bits of consciousness—one after another as a continuum. Perception after perception reveals a sequential order called life. In a manifest physical reality, opposites are needed for a created exposition of duality.

There is a fine line between consciousness becoming conscious of itself, absolute pure consciousness, and consciousness being appreciated as the awareness of being. The human nervous system further details and extends this, reflecting a conscious awareness of personal physical nature and its existence as a relative appearance. One meets relativity where it is because that is all there is—the “what is” in appearance.

You are the awareness imagining the “what is,” and there are steadfast laws of nature in operation when imagination or dream holds the infinite possibilities inherent in consciousness. Anything is possible, and all opportunities within the endless potential of creative intelligence are available at any point value of consciousness expressed in the manifest appearance of creation. Access to this field of all possibilities is an inherent God-given quality to the human being, the pinnacle of conscious evolution on Earth’s third-dimension planet.

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