It comes down to who we are as human beings—men and women aware of existing as a Self in a vast, complex, speculative, and lively world we call home, yet a constant mystery. Awareness is the key here; without it, there would be nothing.
Within that essence of awareness, your inherent nature, outside of your daily perceptions, makes you the impartial, almighty force of the Cosmos. Essentially, you are God in a world of your making, in a unique sensing organism (human body/mind) experiencing the meaning of experience, which is the meaning of life.
Humans experience the immaterial and material existence of reality’s subjective and objective features as rational beings. We see and engage with the world and know we are aware. As mentioned previously, awareness is the key. But what is it? It is so ephemeral, undefinable at its core, that we take it for granted, never investigating it as our reality being of existence.
Please step back and place your humanity in context with the Universe as we know it. We seem so small and insignificant to the Cosmos around us, yet being aware of that fact, including the awareness of the incomprehensible immensity or vastness of the universe as the scientific world has postulated, brings us to the notion of imagination.
Imagination is a finer form of thought encompassing a reality broader than the thought process. The mere act of intention can take us to an alternate reality in a flash. Thoughts, imagination, and ideas raise questions about the nature of being and our awareness. Are our thoughts simply the by-product of brain activity, or do they exist in a more profound, separate realm of ideas? Are there universal concepts and ideas that transcend individual minds? If rightly so, then the nature of our human being, our consciousness, exists as the vast universality of all possible concepts, ideas, and imagination.
Imagination bridges what is and what could be. It allows us to conceive of concepts beyond our immediate reality. As for awareness, the nature of being, our consciousness gives life its texture and depth, transforming us from mere biological entities to beings capable of self-reflection and transcendence.
What is the actual nature of our daily awareness? For most of us, it seems shallow, identified with the immediate surroundings—the direct experience of situations and circumstances. Expand awareness to embrace totality, whatever that means, as an idea or imagination based on cultural and scientific norms. It’s simple; we know it to be accurate, but we hardly take the time because we are so busy and caught up in our individual human experiences. It is not a question of promoting a mood, which we know is playfully false, but instead placing the attention innocently, effortlessly, and abiding on what we know is. We live and operate in a universal reality that encompasses everyone and everything in awareness.
What is Cosmic Consciousness? It means being in sync and being aware of the fundamental field underlying the cosmos, that infinite galactic field of billions of stars and lifeforms. The cosmos is an unimaginable universe of energy in motion, whole of causality but humbly impartial to the activity it generates, just as our awareness as we know it in our daily lived experience is unbiased. Our personality and characteristics are not, yet our awareness is the silent subject, witnessing all experiences.
Attention to our infinite field of awareness, the sublime field of consciousness, innocently and effortlessly reconditions the mind to appreciate the nature of being more. Of course, meditative practices and other holistic modalities enliven this expansion of awareness or consciousness, and one should remember that Cosmic Consciousness is the normal state of human understanding.
There is one primary field of awareness, the same field of consciousness, a universal reality that permeates all life, individual and cosmic.