Human beings’ expressed consciousness is varied in scope and appreciation. The context of awareness, the backdrop to experience, is either known entirely or in gradations where, on one level, it seems non-existent.
The other aspect of human consciousness expressed is the content of awareness—the mind, thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perception of the surroundings around oneself. In most cases, the content of awareness takes precedence over the context due to a misidentification of the ego/mind.
In the case of the ego/self, the limited mind looks for meaning and purpose through the activity of life. It unknowingly seeks full context to the why and what for the personal me as it navigates the here and now. It feels somewhat in control of actively searching for the better me. It will never find it because the ego/self and the faculty of intellect have been conditioned to look for things, and things have limitations; they are located with apparent substance.
As we naturally know, substance, or the physical world around us, is in constant flux, everchanging and evolving. Therefore, it is logical to assume that there is no actual external meaning or purpose to life except for the force and power of evolution guiding physical reality. It is a movement of temporal, physical, and causal experiences in a linear time and space continuum.
What is evolving beyond the temporal change we see and experience? It is Consciousness, the ability of human awareness to expand and appreciate its true nature in the wholeness of all known and unknown dimensions of creation, from the macro to the micro, from the cosmos to its inception.
The ego/mind, in its limited awareness, doesn’t realize it is looking, seeking for itself. The pure conscious awareness behind and within elicits the personal aspect of the ego/mind. The narrow boundaries and self-imposed restrictions of the ego, through no fault of its own, limit the search for context in the material domain. This, so far, has been the evolution of human consciousness and the ego-centered personal appreciation of consciousness.
The wholeness of consciousness or self-realized expanded awareness is the container that holds all experience, including the mind/body organism. This context of expanded human understanding is a “no-thing.” It is pure consciousness, our true Self, the essence of our manifested reality.
Analogous in the same way as in which sounds are heard, but one cannot hear the hearing; there is no such thing. There is only the backdrop of the silent awareness of the field of experience. The sound heard is picked up by the auditory value of perception and translated through the nervous system as an experience. Sound content can be appreciated in unrestricted silence as an experience, but where is the hearing? It is just happening within the vast field of silence.
In the same way, there is seeing, but seeing can’t be seen; it is only seeing as is, an experience within the context of awareness. Yet again, you can feel the touch, but you cannot touch the experience of touching. Touch is the content of a feeling registered by touching, an awareness of just experiencing.
It is the silent, impartial, all-embracing value of God experiencing through our individuality, all of it, the ego/mind, and its karmic journey to evolve and reconnect to an ultimate move towards the source eternal.