The overall wholeness of evolution is expressed as cycles within a cycle infinitum. Everything has apparent time/space value, emergence, and dissolution within linear time. The universe is a timeline to the smallest bio-organic species of the 24-hour fly; all are relevant and integrated. The natural force of evolution, the energy contraction and expansion witnessed at […]
Human beings’ expressed consciousness is varied in scope and appreciation. The context of awareness, the backdrop to experience, is either known entirely or in gradations where, on one level, it seems non-existent. The other aspect of human consciousness expressed is the content of awareness—the mind, thoughts, feelings, sensations, and perception of the surroundings around oneself. […]
It comes down to who we are as human beings—men and women aware of existing as a Self in a vast, complex, speculative, and lively world we call home, yet a constant mystery. Awareness is the key here; without it, there would be nothing. Within that essence of awareness, your inherent nature, outside of your […]
Nonduality is a philosophical study of the relationship between wholeness and its parts in the continuum of life as we know it. It defines that there is only wholeness or oneness, and the parts, though, on one level, are a lived reality, are only a projection (illusion) of Oneness and that wholeness is an immutable […]
I exist; therefore, I am. […]
The personal ego reality will always have a quick answer to everything experienced. Conditioned thought patterns from years past set in memory are what the ego relies on to validate any experience. The initial or first validation is that I am a “me,” a person. The “I am” is the ego’s root belief structure for […]
An epiphany is considered to be something that is realized, an “Aha” moment; in actuality, it is the end of something that seems natural. No one has an epiphany; it may seem that someone has had a realization, but it is the realization of an ending to something that was. The actual test comes when […]
The cosmic mystery of who am I? What is all this? How did it happen? What is enlightenment? And so forth—it is right here—this is the ongoing cosmic mystery. It is not realized because cosmic reality or everyday awareness in the present has been under the illusion of physical reality. It has been caught by […]
Abstract consciousness, pure consciousness, or nothingness is beyond mind, beyond thought. It is unthinkable, but even the most enlightened must speak about it in dualistic terms. Consciousness emerges from itself. It is primary, Self-effulgent, and Self-interacting. Pure consciousness is the absolute field of Source Eternal and emerges as consciousness becoming conscious, the awareness of form […]
The bane of existence is striving for purpose and meaning in life. The unrealized little me seeks purpose and meaning in life either knowingly by continually adding to the quest or unknowingly by moving along with the status quo. The small ego/mind is identified and overshadowed by events and circumstances in physical reality, looking for […]
The awakening of Unity through healing the division of polarity and separation one has felt for years can be exacerbated when the status quo becomes stagnant with the ever-personal hold onto the individual character. The nature of life is to evolve and transform holistically. The status quo holding back and suppressing progressive thought through manipulating […]
Every split second, our reality changes in a sequential manner we call time; in a landscape, we call space; this identification covers further limitations and boundaries to reality, which, in simple analysis, becomes incomplete compared to the vast expanse of creation—the inner and outer world of the Quantum Field. Let alone bringing consciousness’s implications into […]
The sense of individual existence or selfhood we typically identify with is only a tiny part of the whole that you are. The whole that you are means everything material and spiritual, seen and unseen, believed and not believed, excluding all of it. This suggests that the mind creates the concept of a separate and […]
It can be easily seen that we are consciously aware of our individuality and collective existence. How clear the seeing, one’s perspective on reality, is parallel to the level one appreciates the value and full extent of consciousness. Clarity comes with recognizing the true nature of the Self, which expresses the dominance of consciousness as […]
It is not a question of the relative present moment constantly fluctuating and changing every second, modulating and fleeting. Capturing its totality through a limited egocentric mind is impossible. It is a matter of recognizing the eternal ‘presenting moment’ that your awareness is. From that perspective, every moment is the present Now. This presenting moment […]
How we perceive and make sense of the world is our ‘lived experience.’ This phenomenon of conscious experience appears to us as subjective awareness. But who is the subject? Is it mindful awareness or the various subtle aspects of the mind and the elements of nature coexisting within our complex neurobiological body/mind system? Ancient Vedic […]
The Self and the Mind are the same. From a universal perspective, the mind is cosmic and is seen in the light of Atman, the infinite being of individuality. An unrestricted Mind not governed by a controlling ego is the true expression of an integrated Self or Atman. When not caught in the clutches […]
Existence within Non-duality philosophy refers to the totality of reality, encompassing everything. It includes physical objects and living beings and thoughts, emotions, sensations, and all aspects of subjective experience. Non-duality holds that existence is not composed of separate and independent entities but is an interconnected web of relationships and interdependencies. However, existence is qualified by […]
Bhakti Yoga is a spiritual path or practice focused on loving devotion. It is synonymous with an intimate understanding of the Oneness and harmony of the eternal individual and with the Universal being or Divine. Bhakti yoga involves selfless devotion and recognition of the Divine in everything. It is a practice of using the intensity […]
So, the question is, why are we here, and what is this all about? Although this ‘what is’ is whole and complete and perfect, the experience arises called ‘me.’ An experience that I am the body, an experience that I have a real past that has led to the present, which will carry me to […]
Before Self-realization, the mind references the body as ‘I am this body,’ the center of the activity surrounding me; I am the controller of my actions and outcome. After Self-realization, the unbounded Self sees through the illusion of body identification that there never was a center; it’s all unbounded consciousness. The realization of the limitless, […]
This quote from A Course in Miracles expresses the full range of one’s subconscious mind projecting an individual’s reality. Labels and meanings are taught to us through conditioning from childbirth. Superficial learning, we accept without question because culture and society deem it so. We also come into this world unannounced with DNA-encoded genes from our […]
It occurs that looking, searching for freedom from an apparent localized me, the little mind/body we call self through meaning and purpose, makes it seem missing. This missing aspect is the core experience of separation, and something needs to be done to overcome this feeling. Me, or the apparent experience I have, must become the […]
The construct of something having to be done, figured out, and gained is illusory. Nothing must be done—it’s already here. The mystery is that there is nothing behind the journey, whether spiritual or worldly, this search that human beings are on. Everything is as it is; there is nothing behind it—nothing to know. Nothing is […]
The world for the person, self-realized or not, is a reflection, a mirror of the inner mind wherein the deep recesses of the subconscious or unbounded self-consciousness of life’s experiences are held. The world will appear relatively the same for the self-realized person and the limited mind/body person. Some changes occur after self-realization, allowing the […]
Consciousness is the origin, the substratum, and is primary to all things. When fully awake to itself, it is the silent observer of the objective world of form and phenomena. Everything appearing is valid, and nothing has true meaning or purpose; the life drama is on display, with characters seemingly in charge within a conditioned […]
What is behind all the content one perceives that you could ever imagine or think about at this moment? Everything, all of it, all content; imagine if it were all gone. What would be left? Would it not be a simple awareness without a sense of anything other than being— or the purpose of existence? […]
Freedom from suffering is the road to peace of mind and is the end of the attachment to conceptual thinking in which we believe our thoughts and actions to be actual reality. It is easy to conclude and resign to a materialistic view because this world is seen through dualism. It’s all around us; many […]
The human mind may have a strong understanding of the past we call history and a strong sense of the future based on expectations. “I may have had past bad luck, near or far, and I hope to have good luck in the future.” “Today sucked; tomorrow will be better.” Quotes like these are a […]
Within existence, the individual self, the mind, and present reality are what you experience simultaneously on an inter-dimensional level of wakefulness. With natural selection through evolution, conscious awareness, aware of itself as the mind/body organism, is ultimately Self-realized as infinite, unbounded consciousness. Unbounded awareness sees the mind/body organism as a point value of the infinity […]
Everything arising in awareness is unknowing; it is instantaneous and transitory all in one. Every split second arises from emptiness and has no intrinsic value unless you, your objective self, give it one. Once meaning is attached, purpose follows its sequential elaboration as far as one wishes or hopes to find completion or answers to […]
It is a matter of reality perspective that offers insights into the true nature of the Self. In the contracted state of consciousness or self-awareness, there appears to be a need for the individual to know something, to find something. With this, everything seems to be solid within this contraction perspective. As consciousness contracts, it […]
Everything right now, as it appears, can be said to be unconditional because it is an illusion in truth analysis. From this perspective, all points are valid, and everything is an expression of freedom to be as it is. Nothing must change. The reality of seeing this is that there is no center of someone, […]
The induvial wants to experience; it is what it does. It is from a knowing; it wants to know; it feels like it has to. The experience is one in which I am in control of my life, and by interacting with the environment around me, I will gain or solve this innate desire more […]
The belief of doer-ship and attachment to outcome blinds conscious awareness to the reality that changes happening or not happening in our life will do so according to destiny, not your individual doing; it’s God’s or Universal will. However, the feeling of personal decisions will always be made within an exercise of seemingly free will. […]
Consciousness is all there is. Consciousness is the true self. And the personal self trying to navigate through a dream world of finding meaning and purpose is the primary illusion. It is the limited conscious awareness of the individual who believes there is a separation; I am caught in a material world of objectivity where […]
Whatever changes are going to happen in our lives, they are out of our control—-it is destiny expressing itself as it does. There is no doer, deeds are being done, but no one is doing them. It includes any change in our attitude and how we feel at the core about being here in our […]
Pure Consciousness, Spirit is projecting reality through the Mind/Body organism. Pure Consciousness needs the Mind to experience itself through the human psychophysiology of awareness. The Mind is the activating agent for consciousness. The Mind needs a Body to experience itself, and the Body is the activating agent for the Mind. Because the Body’s psychophysiological function […]
The person is the accumulation of memories and conditioning from the past, brought to the present to be seen as an activity principle to expand consciousness. If we don’t think or realize that consciousness is the primary human purpose here on earth, then it is up for philosophical debate by a mind/body entrenched in physicality. […]
Breaking the cycle of ego identification is the beginning of true healing. Remembering the ego is and never was in the way; it is self-consciousness caught in the narrow perspective of ego and intellect functioning as they do. It is an illusion projected by a little mind that consciousness gets wrapped up in, and it […]
Waiting for enlightenment to arrive is already the process of enlightenment playing itself out. This is it, this very moment looking through the empty eyes of awareness, the presence of the sense of being. Recognize that pure awareness of self is not of the world, nor are you genuinely in it. You are quite simply […]
We feel it intimately, this sense of being, together with the awareness of the phenomenal world. We miss the subtle distinction of this togetherness, the first step to self-realization, due to the complacent habituation of a dominant personal me. But on reflection, which feels most real? There is an unmistakable sense of ‘I,’ but who […]
Karma can be viewed as incurring debt on truth, and the actions of Karma will always recycle until seen through to clear the debt. Truth stands alone, ever-present, self-fulfilling, self-evident. Non-truth, a movement opposite to the flow of life, is a debt to be paid forward to establish equilibrium and balance, the wholeness of actual […]
A dominant ego-self of a personal little me racing to complete itself in a world of form and phenomena continually overshadows the simple, innocent conscious awareness of being. Unconsciously we are unaware of the ego’s interjection giving attention to false ideas and beliefs. This movement covers our true nature simply from the automatic volume of […]
The human mind facilitates one’s awareness and, as such, is expressive of our Ego, Intellect, and Emotional functionality brought to conscious awareness through sensory perception. A human mind is limited in its scope when the intellect mistakes or misidentifies conscious reality as only an expression of the material physical plane. The human ego follows this […]
What is it about the kiss? It can be given anytime, anywhere, without hesitation because the intent varies as much as the passion expressed. There is a wide range of allotted energy and heartfelt embrace in anyone’s kiss. However, it is a kiss, and to whatever degree, magical power happens when it can be given. […]
Suffering is caused by the identification of the Egoic consciousness overshadowed by the phenomenal world. Limitations of the individual ego see only a reality that we are separate from the experienced material world. These external forces in our world perspective that seem to be the cause of suffering are our thoughts projected into personal actions […]
Latent impressions of one’s life’s actions stored in our subconscious are the drivers of current activity. In Vedic terminology, generally referred to as the Smritis, memory from far back incalculable Karma/Dharma reaching into the soul’s Atman connection with Brahman. Specifically, the individual latent memory impressions called Samskaras are the current everyday life drivers. Without the […]
We all have a sense of being, of existence, it’s here, but the phenomenal world adorns what we perceive. We mistake our presence of being as this physical reality burying that sense of being, the field of awareness, far in the background of the liveliness of personal truth. Existence becomes the worldly things we engage […]
Experience is not that important; even the flashiest experience should be accepted, understood, and relinquished. Enlightenment is not an experience. It is not a unique experience that is ongoing. Enlightenment is the penetration of the illusion of subjectivity. Subject-Object relationship and the perceiving of such remains dualistic even after any stage of awakening. The […]