Belief Structure and Behavioral Modification Analysis
Belief structure and behavioral modification of past egoic patterns set in place for thousands of years churning the same reality of limitations need to be altered.Re-aligning with the truth that consciousness is all there is, and you are consciousness isan actual reality for the highest spiritual advancement of the Soul. This isa belief system that reflects the true nature of reality.
The raw and primal beliefs you hold dear in life and accept without a doubt have been handed down to you from DNA coding and the up-to-date conditioning that has massaged your life to this present moment. Is this an accurate perception of the reality of who we are? Not at all, because they are all based on the relative world of change. Change has been advancing humankind, albeit slowly, but still under the guise of constraint and a total lack of self-realization. The exposed truth of pure consciousness, pure being, that which does not change, has been missing. The eternal unbounded, infinite Self, the inner reality of who we are.
Personal beliefs separate our current perspective reality from the truth. The ideas and thoughts we carry as truth, no matter how ingrained in our psyche, no matter how much we rely on them to feel secure in navigating our life forward, will eventually decay and dissolve at the hands of realizing that any belief in physical reality is an illusion. This is the first step towards awakening from set patterns.
It is a stretch, challenging to supplant a belief such as “the world is an illusion while living viscerally in the world we inhabit.” This, while living, achieving, and finding satisfaction for the most part as life unfolds, is a comfort zone not quickly dropped. The point is not to drop all beliefs; efficient ones that serve us well as a guiding principle will naturally remain. Recognizing the illusory aspect of reality does not mean acknowledging that there is no reality. We modify the belief and behavioral structure with some ‘key’ pointers that resonate more with what truly represents the ultimate sense of reality.
Combining ancient beliefs indicative of Truth, from scripture of long-lost enlightened civilizations, the core surviving ideas of originating philosophies with the current modern thinking or the “modus operandi” of Self-empowerment and Self-actualization, then witness the positive changes that will appear in your life. Change your beliefs, change your life.
Some current power beliefs that one can adopt as truth reality:
There is only one being in existence, one consciousness of being, and that being is yourself.
This one being is in the process of knowing itself through you as all possibilities and more that you perceive and experience in the world around you as that one being.
You create this physical extension called a personal human being from a Source within you and no other than you.
As a human being in intimate connection with your Source, you can rise in consciousness, become consciously aware of your true inner and outer nature, and discover your Divine status.
You are not your body, not your thoughts or beliefs, not your emotions or sensations. You are consciousness, awareness, existence itself, connected to and as the Source.
The body is not who I am.
I am the awareness of the body.
The body is a lively extension of attention.
Idea’s and thoughts are not who I am.
Planning, doing, claiming is not who I am.
The somebody or something is not who I am.
The doer of the action, the person is not who I am.
I am the I that is unbounded awareness, the silent non-doing.
You are a human being living on this planet primarily as a vehicle of love. This love is a pure extension of universal love, God’s love from the source. It’s the same one, love.
Love, God, and Truth transcend all human language. One can understand this language by setting your intention toward fearlessness, personal responsibility, active relationship with Source, the peace and acceptance with “what is,” all with humility. A joy, creativity, and service to others naturally follow.
Humility is patience when you have nothing and attitude when you have everything.—George Bernard Shaw
The highest reality of service to others is service to yourself. You are the other. There is only one being, one consciousness, and you are it.
There are no value judgments to be made on the other. The other is you, and if you respect yourself, then everything is equally valid, and whatever is the case, good, bad, or otherwise, it is just an expression of harmony in motion.
The universe is God’s projection of absolute perfection, just as it appears. You are the creator of your reality. It is yourself, as it is occurring. We honor this universe and free will because it is the ultimate reality of God’s will, playing out as all possibilities expressed. One should radically accept this as truth.
You are awareness itself, the ground state of being, and as such, your awareness is the silent witness to all your thoughts and beliefs, the presence that beholds your entire physical experience. Your awareness is you; your current ideas and identity details are not. You do not need to believe anything, think anything, or do anything. If you feel otherwise, it is because you feel so. This is the actual reality, but we also must live among the living, interacting with, and as an identity in the relative physical dimension. By challenging the old belief structure, we should set new beliefs that reflect the truth of a higher reality.
Theoretical Analysis
The following italicized excerpts are a collation of paragraphs and sentences that I chose to include in this section because they are relevant to the topic discussed. I took them from an excellent book written by Gregg Braden, The Spontaneous Healing of Belief, 2008 Hay House, Inc. I encourage anyone interested in having a more detailed investigation into human belief systems to read this book.
It is documented that human consciousness influences quantum energy—the substratum, or stuff everything is made of, the physical world. When we focus our attention on a given place in a moment, we involve our consciousness. And in the vast field of consciousness, it appears that there is no clear boundary that tells us where we stop and the rest of the world begins.
Quantum theories suggest that the universe and our bodies are made of ever-changing fields of energy. We are part of this energy, and we are interacting consciously. It’s our awareness, involvement, and interaction that changes everything. If so, then we must ask, “Are those effects also telling us who we are within that reality?
We live our lives based on our beliefs about our world, ourselves, capabilities, and limitations. The universe responds to our beliefs. This difference is, thinking of us as influential creators rather than passive observers. It all begins with our understanding of our cosmic belief code. To transform reality, we must alter the one thing that is not fixed: the programs themselves, the beliefs. Belief is the program that creates patterns in existence.
The union of thought and emotion creates a power to change our reality. Our experience of consciousness is expressed as feeling and belief connected to power. We must believe in faith itself to have the ability in our lives.
Belief is defined as the certainty that comes from accepting what we think is true in our minds, coupled with what we feel is true in our hearts. Belief is expressed in our hearts, where our experiences are translated into electrical and magnetic waves that interact with the physical world. When we understand the relationship between our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we also recognize how our beliefs have the power to affect the world.
The lower three chakras of creativity are commonly associated with our experience of emotion. When we think of these centers as pure energy, they represent the only two primary emotions that we’re capable of in life; love and whatever we think of like the opposite. As strange as this may sound at first, this definition shows that the joy, hate, and peace that we may have thought of as emotions in the past are, in fact, the feelings that result from the use of them.
Love and its opposite are two aspects of the same thing, two polarities of the same force: emotion. Emotion is the power source that drives us forward in life. Love or fear is the driving force that propels us through the walls of resistance and catapults us beyond the barriers that keep us from our goals, dreams, desires: E-motion, energy motion, or intent.
Thoughts are associated with our body’s upper three energy centers, the chakras related to logic and communication. Whereas emotion can be considered a power source, thoughts are the guidance system that directs it, focusing on precise ways. So, while our thoughts are significant in some respect, they possess little power by themselves. A thought without the emotion to fuel is just a thought. Thought by itself is an imagining, a wish, energy-neutral ready to awaken.
When we combine thoughts and the power of emotion from our lower energy center, we create feelings. A feeling is a union of what we think with the fuel of emotion, either love or fear for our thought. These are feelings as opposed to raw emotion. Feelings are the basis of our beliefs and are formed in our hearts.
Beliefs and their feelings are the languages that speak to the quantum field of reality. The equation is simple: Thoughts + Emotions = Feelings and Beliefs, formulated in the Heart and expressed as a living reality. What is the actual truth, though? This formula is set and works beyond the conscious mind, in the subconscious. The feelings and beliefs that arise while being formulated in the heart and the power of love will test that feeling or belief for reliability is the truth. Without a balanced heart and mind energy system, what may appear to be reality is non-reality.
Our belief structure and the feelings associated with them are, for the most part, a combination of conditioning, the information data from ancestral birth DNA, and the chronic up-to-date information barrage we have been experiencing daily since birth. The formula of thoughts and emotions equal feelings and beliefs works perfectly, just as a fine-tuned mechanical or electrical circuit.
This formula is a great affirmation tool to change our belief structure to reflect an accurate representation of reality to change our outlook and consciousness. With time, some beliefs can be changed quickly by simply repeating a new belief structure that resonates energetically with what truly represents. Simple formula, and if you add the power of love to the affirmation formula, the results are guaranteed.
One must also contend with the current false beliefs we hold as reality. They are so ingrained in our psyche that naturally, spontaneously, and in such repetition that it may seem daunting at times. This is where Shadow work becomes an effective method to disassemble, dissolve, and heal the old beliefs and behavioral habits that impede the expansion of consciousness and our realization of actual reality.