BREATHWORK PRIOR TO MEDITATIONS: Clearing the Road to Transcending


With both nostrils, inhale and exhale a long deep breath several times. Check nostrils are relatively clean.

Next, using your thumb and index finger or third finger, block one nostril with the thumb and inhale a moderately large breath, exhale quite fully. No strain involved.Release the thumb and block the other nostril with the index or third finger and inhale the breath and exhale. Now repeat by unblocking the index finger, blocking the other nostril with the thumb again, and inhaling and exhaling. Repeat the procedure for 3 -5 min.

One can begin this practice with quick breaths through the nose, not minding the exact thumb and index finger alternation but opening and closing the nostrils in rapid succession for 30 – 60 seconds.


3 deep full breaths in and out, followed by 3 quick breaths in and out

6 deep full breaths in and out, followed by 6 quick breaths in and out

9 deep full breaths in and out, followed by 9quick breaths in and out

Hold on the last quick breath in for 9 seconds and release; sit quietly


Breathe deeply and fully, starting with inhalation filling the lower lung and belly and continuing this single inhalation to fill the heart/lung area and follow the breath up to the brain/skull area as much as you can and feel stop at the top of the head. Hold for a second or so, then release fully, following the exhalation down again to the belly and giving it a final push out where the lungs feel completely empty. Then repeat, try 10X, 20X, 30X


Sit quietly, eyes closed, gather yourself—be aware of your body as a whole and all the sensations arising at this moment.Feel into that and easily find the connection with the body and the intimate awareness you possess sitting quietly and feeling the body—it’s yourself, the attention of feeling the body awareness at the same time—the understanding of this moment.

Let your awareness encompass your body placed in the current environment of sitting, relaxed, feeling the body and any sensations and now get a feeling for the invisible space you are in; an area of wide-open expanse, the awareness that is primarily you.

Now, easily and gentlyplace your awareness on these body parts:

Starting with your feet

While doing this, imagine the skeletal aspect of that body part as an energized bright white light highlighting your bones as you feel into that body part with your awareness.

Continue with the feet, lower legs, upper legs, pelvic region, torso and back, shoulders, upper arms, lower arms, hands.

Continue to easily imagine the skeletal structures as brilliant white light as you proceed.

Now the neck. The back of the head.The jaw, the checks.The ear plates, the eye sockets.The front of the brow and the top of the head.

Now, feel the whole body at once again, the entire skeletal structure sitting there glowing with white light emanating into and outside your body, feel the presence of this energy glowing.Now get in touch with the skin around your body, feel into it as it surrounds your body and encases all aspects, including the bright light skeleton. Rest here for awhile, feeling the body as a whole unit and connecting it with your awareness of experiencing this bright glowing body emanating from the skeletal and pouring out the skin.

As you sit here with the expanded awareness of yourself and a bright body, connect with the Earth. Picture yourself sitting here quietly resting in your awareness placed on thisplanet we call Mother Earth as it spins majestically in the vast space of the Cosmos.You are right there enjoying the enormity of space, the vastness of your awareness.

You are grounded with the Earth as one.You are grounded fully with Mother Gaia.Imagine the body connected by a chord of light emanating from your 1st Chakra at the perineum and down into the centre of the Earth. Feel the connection with the Earth as you are solidly grounded and feel the energy of the Earth, of Mother Gaia. Rest here as your awareness of Body, Earth, and Cosmos.

Now, as you are in thisbeautiful, grounded state with the Earth, let your awareness be with the body again and go to the top of the head. Feel the top of the head, and imagine a vortex at the top, an opening through your head, an energy centre. Picture a column of light coming from the Cosmos of space above you, it’s Cosmic pure universal energy, and it’s coming down through the top of your head and down the centre of your spine, meeting at your 1st. Chakra energy centre and combining with the light chord that has you grounded to Mother Gaia.These two energies meet as the Cosmic energy turns around and goes back up the spine simultaneously as Cosmic energy flows down the spine. The upward flow reaches the crown of the head and radiates or expands outward and downward around and over your body.

Sit here, and rest in this movement of energies and bathe in that awareness of yourself, your body, the Earth, the cosmos, and the bright light energies that are enveloping you. You’re your awareness that has become energized, a feeling of clarity and aliveness; it is the awareness of yourself; you are that awareness. Rest here as that conscious awareness that has been established as bright energy, feel into it, and continue to rest here in that feeling.


It can be done in conjunction at the end of Meditation I.

Now, with your eyes open, continue to sit comfortably, begin to observe the environment you are presently in, but more so, notice your awareness of experiencing the environment simultaneously. There seems to beanatural distinction between your awareness and the environment but pay attention to the seamless awareness of just being and looking.It arises as a continuous flow of pure experiencing.

You are sitting here quietly, aware of yourself and the environment or objects in front of you and around you. What do you notice?There is awareness of you and your environment, and experiencing”as it is,” whatever it is, as it presents itself in this one moment of singular awareness.

What one usually can feel is there is an observer and the observed, but there is another unseen factor at play here; it is the process of observation, that unseen link that connects you, the observer, with the objects of observation.The link is obvious, and it’s present. It’s simply the extension of awareness of Self, from the person as an observer to the environment around you; it’s all within your attentionat one time; it’s all part of the same container of awareness.

How else could you be connected in this mode of observation? The observation and yourself in the container of awareness are occurring in the same space as awareness. It’s all awareness or consciousness appearing as aseeing of reality, the understandingof itself and the world of observation. This existence appears in unity;feel it, be as it is, right now as and in your awareness.

You are essentially one, andthis is the oneness experience of awareness at any given moment in time. The appearances of what is observed will always vary and continue to do so. It is the nature of reality to move, expand and change in variety. But the awareness in which this movement is contained remains the same silent, unbounded awareness of Self.

Feel into that awareness; there is only one awareness. It’s the awareness of everything at this moment. There is only one awareness, and you are it. Rest here in the Self.